Northwest Territories Tourism is led by a volunteer board with a broad base of experience. The board includes up to sixteen members, seven of which are elected, seven of which are appointed by Indigenous Governments and two other appointed positions, one of which is an ex-officio position appointed by the Government of the Northwest Territories, the major funding partner for NWTT.

Paul Harrington
Northwest Territory Métis Nation
Chairperson - Appointed
Harold Grinde
Gana River Outfitters
Vice Chairperson - Elect

Verda Law
Yellowknife Tours
Treasurer - Elect

Samantha Stuart
Tlicho Adventures Ltd.
Secretary - Elect

Bobby Drygeese
B. Dene Adventures
Director - Elect

Corey Myers
Frontier Lodge
Director - Elect

Inuvialuit Regional Corporation
Director - Appointed
Liza McPherson
Dehcho First Nations Government
Director - Appointed
Wendy Grater
Black Feather, The Wilderness Adventure Company
Director - Elect

Susan Nitsiza
Tłı̨chǫ Government
Director - Appointed

James McPherson
Sahtu Secretariat
Director - Appointed
Dana Hibbard
Canadian River Expeditions & Nahanni River Adventures
Director - Elect

Taig Connell
Gwich'in Tribal Council
Director- Appointed

Chief Fred Sangris
Akaitcho Territory Government
Director - Appointed