Full Membership Listing
- 2 Seasons Adventures
- Acasta HeliFlight Inc.
- Adventure Northwest Ltd.
- Adventures Done Right Expeditions Inc.
- Air Canada
- Air North
- Air Tindi
- Andrew Lake and Lynx Tundra Lodges
- Angela Gzowski Photography
- Arctic Chalet Tours
- Arctic Duchess Adventures
- Arctic Range Adventure
- Arctic Red River Outfitters Ltd.
- Arctic Tours Canada
- Association of Mackenzie Mountain Outfitters (AMMO)
- Aurora Bayside Inn
- Aurora Dream Tours
- Aurora Heat
- Aurora Village
- Aurora Village Sport Fishing
- AuroraTours.net
- Aylmer Lake Lodge
- B. Dene Adventures Inc.
- Bathurst Inlet Developments / Adventure Northwest
- Beaufort Sea Adventures
- Beck’s Kennels
- Big Lake Eatery and Cafe
- Blachford Lodge
- Black Feather – The Wilderness Adventure Company
- Bluefish Outfitting
- Brabant Lodge
- Bucket List Tour Company
- Bullock’s Bistro
- Cambridge Executive Suites (Hotel)
- Canadian North
- Canoe North
- Canoe North Adventures
- Capital Suites – Inuvik
- Capital Suites – Yellowknife
- CasCom
- Castaways Cottages & Campground
- Chateau Nova Yellowknife
- Conseil de Developpement Economique des TNO (CDETNO)
- Copperhouse Eatery & Lounge
- Dancing Skies Photo Tours
- Destination NWT Ltd.
- Diamonds de Canada
- Embleton House B&B / Small Inn
- Enodah Wilderness Travel/ Trout Rock Lodge/Enodah Kennel
- Explore Yellowknife Year – Round Adventure
- Folk on the Rocks
- From Scratch Bakeshop & Boba
- Frontier Lodge – Gateway to Thaidene Nëné
- Gana River Outfitters Ltd.
- Goose Flying Service
- Great Slave Lake Tours
- Hamlet of Enterprise
- Hay River Golf Club
- Hay River Museum Society Heritage Center
- Hearne Lake Lodge
- Indian Mountain Lodge
- Jackpine Paddle
- Ji Guang Tour
- K’iyeli Tourism Services
- Kasba Lake Lodge
- Lac La Martre Adventures
- Lady Slipper Lodge
- Legislative Assembly Building of the Northwest Territories
- Mackenzie Cabins
- Mackenzie Mountain Outfitters Ltd.
- Morning Star Travel
- My Backyard Tours
- NARWAL Northern Adventures
- NWT Brewing Company
- NWT Charter Services
- NWT Diamond Centre
- Nahanni Butte Outfitters Ltd.
- Nahanni Mountain Lodge
- Nahanni River Adventures
- Namushka Lodge (1982) Ltd.
- Nanook Aurora Tours
- Natsai R Consulting
- Nature’s North Wildlife Gallery
- Nonacho Lake Fishing Adventures
- Norman Wells Historical Society
- North Chocolate
- North Nahanni Naturalist Lodge
- North Star Adventures
- North of 60 Aurora Adventures
- North-Wright Airways Ltd.
- North-Wright Airways Ltd.
- Northern Life Museum and Cultural Centre
- Northern Nature Photography
- Northwestern Air Lease Ltd.
- Nova Inn Inuvik
- Nunavut Tourism
- Old Town Glassworks
- Only Way Outfitting
- Outcrop Communications
- Outpost
- Overlander Sports
- Peterson’s Point Lake Lodge
- Plummer’s Great Bear Lake Lodge
- Plummer’s Great Slave Lake Lodge
- Plummer’s Trophy Lodge
- Poison Graphics
- Polar Pack Arctic Adventures
- Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre
- Ptarmigan Inn
- Quality Inn and Suites
- Ram Head Outfitters Ltd.
- Raven’s Throat Outfitters
- Red Cliff Adventures
- Scott Lake Lodge
- Simpson Air
- Sonny Aurora Tours
- South Nahanni Outfitters Ltd.
- Sparks Lake Lodge
- Sport North Federation
- Sundog Adventures
- Super 8 Yellowknife
- Tah-Chay Adventures
- Taltson Lake Lodge Ltd.
- Territorial Agrifood Association
- The Den – Movement and Wellness Studio
- The Explorer Hotel
- The Underground
- The Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce
- Top of the World Travel
- Town of Fort Smith
- Town of Hay River
- Town of Inuvik
- Trail Blazer Tours
- Trophy Lodge – Great Slave Lake
- Tukto Lodge
- Tundra North Travel
- Two Days of Summer
- Tłı̨chǫ Adventures Ltd.
- Up Here Magazine
- VR Gaming Hub
- Watta Lake Lodge
- Western Arctic Moving Pictures
- Whatì Bed & Breakfast
- Whispering Pines Cottages
- Whooping Crane Guest House
- Yellow Dog Lodge, Inc.
- Yellowknife Airport (YZF)
- Yellowknife Books
- Yellowknife Golf Club
- Yellowknife Historical Museum
- Yellowknife Outdoor Adventures
- Yellowknife Sportfishing Adventures
- Yellowknife Tours
- Yellowknife Vacations
- Yukon Tourism Education Council
- billbradenphoto
- Łı́ı́dlı̨́ı̨́ Kų́ę́ Tourism