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Dear Members,

The submission period for resolutions to be considered at the 2023 NWT Tourism AGM has closed. The resolutions included below will be brought for review and consideration at the AGM which is scheduled to take place Monday, November 6th at the Chateau Nova Hotel in Yellowknife. Registration will open at 9:00 am and the meeting will start promptly at 9:30 am. All members are invited to attend the AGM free of charge.

Voting members will have an opportunity to vote on whether these resolutions will be approved and actioned. Once presented to the membership at the Annual General Meeting and approved as a resolution, resolutions become the official position of Northwest Territories Tourism.

The 2023 Resolutions for Consideration are:

1. Air access into and within the NWT

2. Enhance tourism infrastructure services along the Dempster Highway

3. Transport Canada Flight and Duty Time Regulations

4. Importance of the workforce to the success of businesses in the tourism sector

5. Reducing the impact of land lease cost increases on Outfitters with outpost cabins

6. Enforcement of Aurora Tourism Operator Licenses

Proxy Forms

Members in good standing as of July 31, 2023, with Northwest Territories Tourism are entitled to vote on all business arising at the AGM.

A member in good standing is a regular or associate member in possession of a valid membership with NWT Tourism as of July 31, 2023 or, is an appointed member. Each member in good standing is entitled to one vote per membership. Voting cards will be issued to voting members upon registration for the Annual General Meeting on Monday, November 6 at the Chateau Nova Hotel.

Members who are unable to attend the AGM in person may name a proxy to vote on their behalf. The designated proxy must be another voting member in good standing; proxy votes cannot be given to another member of your organization.

Each voting member in good standing can hold a maximum of two proxies.

Only written proxies received in person by 4:00 pm MT Friday, November 3rd, or via email by 9:30 am MT Sunday, November 5, will be recognized.

You can access the proxy form by clicking here

All the best, 

Donna Lee Demarcke
Chief Executive Officer
NWT Tourism