Dear Members & Conference Delegates,
A friendly reminder that early bird pricing closes Friday, October 11. Click here to register now and take advantage of early bird pricing!
Delegate Room Block with the Explorer Hotel
The Explorer Hotel is offering a special room rate for NWTT Conference delegates under the group rate code NWTT2024. Email res2@explorerhotel.ca to secure your this special rate and reserve your stay. Secured block is for a set amount of rooms, NWTT rate subject to availability.
Call for Live Auction Donations
If you would like to donate an item to our live auction taking place during the dinner and celebration event Thursday, November 7, please email lana@spectacularnwt.com. The funds raised from our auction go towards the NWTT scholarship program for post secondary students from the NWT that are enrolled in a tourism, hospitality, or aviation program.
Opening Reception November 5th
NWT Tourism will host an opening reception for all conference delegates at the Bluebell Eatery on the first day of the Conference, from 5 to 6:30 pm on November 5th. Join us for complimentary food and drinks, and a draw for a trip for two on Air North, Yukon's Airline!
Panelists Update
This year's Conference will feature two panels, one on the aviation industry and one on travel trade. We are pleased to announce the following participants in each panel discussion:
Aviation Panel
Moderator: Donna Lee Demarcke, NWT Tourism
Randy Straker, Yellowknife Airport
Trevor Wilde, Canadian North
Susan Wright, Northwright Airways
Serge Corbeil, Air Canada
Travel Trade Panel
Moderator: Stephanie Hardisty, GNWT - department of ITI
Jon Schiemenn, Expedia
Roman Dushatsky, Jonview Canada (HIS)
Tori Malakoe, NWT Tourism
Darcie Guarderas, Tansi Tourism Solutions
New Speaker Updates
NWTT is excited to welcome Ken Brooker, renowned location manager in the global film industry. Ken has worked with nearly all of the major Studio and Networks in both the United States and Canada, most notably with NBC/Universal, Disney, and Amblin Entertainment. Ken has partnered with the NWT Film Commission over the years to bring awareness to the Northwest Territories as a sought-after location for film and television projects most recently through the NWT Film Locations Assessment project.
Visit our conference website for more information, and regular updates! We look forward to seeing you all soon!
All the best,
Donna Lee Demarcke
Chief Executive Officer
NWT Tourism