Dear Members,
As we approach the 2025/26 membership year, we would like to let you know the NWT Tourism Board of Directors has voted, and effective March 31st the membership fee will be adjusted from $175.00 to $200.00 for Regular and Associate Membership and from $75.00 to $100.00 for Affiliate Membership.
Please note that your current membership will expire on March 31, 2025. Please click here to renew your membership. As a reminder, here are just a few highlights of the benefits of being a member with NWT Tourism.
- Three free packages on your listing on our website. Packages are the most-viewed type of content on the website, and a key tool for members to attract even more bookings!
- Reduced cost opportunities to participate in any tourism trade shows, trade missions and familiarization tours that may arise.
- Members only marketing co-op advertising opportunities. Take advantage of reduced rates on numerous advertising opportunities. Participating in co-op opportunities is a joint effort that enables members to get an even wider market reach.
- Advocacy support for common issues of the industry and/or your sector.
- And very importantly, as a member of NWT Tourism you will receive member communications directly to your inbox with valuable information and updates that are helpful to your business and our industry.
- Opportunity to feature your products on the Local Northern Business Section on the Spectacular NWT website online store.
- Access to a Group Benefits Plan with CapCorp.
- Provided you are deemed an eligible voting member in good standing by no later than July 31, 2025 (you have paid your membership by July 31st), you are able to vote in the online election for the Board of Directors in the fall, and on issues at the NWTT Annual General Meeting (AGM).
If you have any questions regarding membership, please contact our Member Services & Consumer Markets Coordinator Breanna Dennison by email at breanna@spectacularnwt.com or by phone 867-873-5007 ex. 1002.
We want to thank you for being a valued member of NWT Tourism. We look forward to working with you and on your behalf again in the year ahead.
All the best,
Donna Lee Demarcke
Chief Executive Officer
NWT Tourism