Hello Members,
CDETNO will be hosting its Employment Café on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, from 4 pm to 7 pm at Diamond Plaza Building, 5204 Franklin Ave.
This free recruiting, networking, and promotional event is one of a kind in the city of Yellowknife. During the event, each participating organization will have its job offers displayed in the room, and the CDETNO team will facilitate interviews based on the profiles of visitors. Businesses and organizations that are unable to attend the event in person can still send their offers.
All job offers will also be posted on the CDETNO website for one week after the event. In 2023, the two Employment Café brought together 109 participants and 30 employers.
To participate, interested companies and organizations should write to emplois@cdetno.com. In their email, they must indicate the information of the contact person(s) as well as their logo.
All the best,
Donna Lee Demarcke
Chief Executive Officer
NWT Tourism